As an official mission with the French Red Cross (FRC) in Iraqi Kurdistan, a new country has been added into my list, with an expectation of new learnings and experiences that I’d be gathering from this new venture
. This is my 1st mission in the Middle East.
1St November 2017 is the day I joined the new job as Project Manager with FRC followed by orientation in the FRC HQs Paris, France. After an official orientation in 2nd week of November, I then directly flew to Duhok city. It was a great deal in my mind, “… Chiranjibi you're going to Iraq” “war… conflict….. new role… lifestyle…” !!, Oho, “yes”, when I arrived the destination in Duhok, I received a warm welcome by my FRC team in office guest house and in the office too, was observing the scene curiously “a Nepali professional”. I spent more than a decade of my professional career in Nepal and; around seven months in the African continent in Uganda. As a development professional, the only thing I want to see is happiness “on the faces of people”, I always try to reflect “my happiness in the context”.

Well, again Duhok, my six months, chilled weather, beautiful city, lovely people, amazing food; started my project work with a new team – it took some time to understand each other – different context, culture, the way of working, thinking and expression, and psychology. Yes, I have been working with the divers’ team and locations, which I believe since “respect and understanding” are the foremost catalyst of team spirit, which, I intimate with context and team and “got it”.
Personal life, apart from professional life, I met some Nepali friends who have been working with different organizations in Duhok – Tulshi Sharma, Parsanta Adhikari, Tulsi Nepal, Krishna Bahadur KC, and Ajay Upreti, definitely helped me realizing “Chiranjibi, you are not alone here!!” I have some remarkable memories as well: Food serving in the restaurants - “embedded free foods”, weather and nature: extreme cold Oct-March that I experienced. I am desperately waiting for the summer, the season of extreme hot May-August. Rocky and desert mountain around, now it’s becoming greenery.
I have been involved in the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement activities responding to the Syrian crisis with the EU Regional Trust Fund “MADAD” a consortium project in outside the camp area in Kurdistan region, leading the vocational training and small business creation such as skill-based livelihood intervention and market linkages, income-generating activities, and skills training package.
Finally, I have been granted this opportunity to learn and grow both professionally and personally. It’s an honor to be a part of the FRC team, friends, and supporters “thankful”.