Monday, December 5, 2011

Action Learning Group (ALG) - Nepal Climate Change Knowledge Management Centre Strengthening Project



Carl Jackson (Westhill Knowledge Group) and Chiranjibi Rijal (Development Inn Pvt. Ltd)

The purpose of the NCCKMC Action Learning Group is the Strengthening project, rather than the more general issue of climate change and development in Nepal. Clearly the two are closely related but for climate change and development to succeed it is important that the NCCKMC becomes stronger. The Action Learning Groups are an opportunity for NCCKMC Staff and Partners to learn together during the project how to overcome challenges, explore questions and take advantage of opportunities to improve delivery and ultimately impact on climate change and development. To this end the concept of Action Learning was introduced to participants in an Inaugural ALG meeting at the NCCKMC Technical Workshop on 4th August 2011 (see Annex for details on the model process and agenda for ALG): 
• Action Learning Groups offer opportunities for reflection on experience for staff and partners of NCCKMC so that learning can be quickly acted upon to enhance the Strengthening project 
• Through membership of a group that meets at NAST every month to share ideas and give each other helpful feedback 
• Supported by a convener who ensures that everyone is heard and the group remains motivated 
• Following the eleven essential values of Action Learning1 
o Membership must be voluntary – forced participation undermines trust 
o Individuals take responsibility for action to bring about positive change o Reflection on past experience is central to new learning 
o Each person is the expert on their own experience 
o The group offers support but also a challenge to individuals’ reflection 
o The group practices empathy to stand in the other person’s shoes 
o The experience should be personally empowering 
o Members pay attention to each other by actively listening and sharing time 
o The detail of discussions within the group remains confidential 
o Commitment over time is essential to build confidence and see change 
o The process values the whole person in all their complexity Having introduced the concept of 
Action Learning and explored in practice how groups might function, participants were asked to say if they would be interested in joining the group formally. We were looking for between 6-8 participants and 17 people put their names forward. Everyone was contacted after the workshop to hear more about their expectations and commitments and to confirm the group’s membership and start dates.

Happiness, resilience, support, respect, and localization - Cash transfer programming (CTP)- sorts of activities – through conditional cash grant (CCG)

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